
General Information about Accounts using: One account can only be used on one device. If you’re using a PC account, the device is the browser. A proxy should be obtained from the same country as your account. Your account must be used on a clean browser or device.

The social network may block your account if you don’t comply with this rule. After logging in, don’t modify any data for more than 7 days. The data that cannot be changed includes personal information and security settings.

This is suspicious activity on social networks. After signing in, don’t attempt to advertise with your account. Before running ads, accounts should be properly warmed up.

How do I get my accounts after purchasing? You can purchase our product anywhere in the world. No matter where you live, your Product will be available online as soon as you have completed a successful payment transaction. Once you have placed your order, we will send the product to you by email as soon as possible. In the next 24 hours, you can also check your mail.

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